When it comes to graduation gifts, it is the thought
that counts. For the young Brothers of Epsilon
Sigma Chapter in the graduating Class of 2021 at Bowie
State University, the graduation gift from the graduate chapter Brothers of
nearby Gamma Pi Chapter was about the thought as well as the uniqueness. In a
gesture of pure Omega love – love for the Fraternity and for each other – the
Brothers of Gamma Pi bestowed all four Bowie State graduates who are Omegas with stoles that
adorned their gowns on graduation day. Of course, the stoles were Purple and
“The Brothers of Gamma Pi are always looking for
innovative ways of continuing to bridge the gap between undergraduate and
graduate brothers,” said Bro. Shawn Estelle (Epsilon Sigma '93), who oversees
Gamma Pi’s advisory relationship with Epsilon Sigma. “These brotherly gestures
help in strengthening the bond and will lay the groundwork for their transition
to a graduate chapter and their continued service to the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity
The gifts were especially meaningful given the
challenges experienced by graduating classes of 2020 and 2021 due to the
Coronavirus pandemic. While these young Brothers will no doubt remember what
they went through with interruptions, disruptions and virtual classes and
events, during almost two years of the epidemic, they will have even greater
memories from receiving some Fraternity colors to go with their graduation
regalia. Four stoles were purchased and delivered to the young men – three who
graduated this spring and one who will graduate during the summer.
“We chose a traditional design made out of handwoven
kente cloth symbolizing the link with our ancestors. Of course, the bright
Purple and Gold is in honor of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Inc.” said Bro.
Estelle, who credited Gamma Pi’s Bro. Rodney Beverly with having come up with
the idea as a way of extending congratulations. He hopes it becomes a
The Epsilon Sigma Chapter sent a letter of thanks to
Gamma Pi Chapter that read, in part, “The Epsilon Sigma Chapter of Omega Psi
Phi Fraternity, Inc. would like to thank the Gamma Pi Brothers for sponsoring
our three chapter Brothers with Fraternity stoles during the spring 2021
Graduation Commencement Ceremony. This academic year was a tough one for a lot
of reasons but, we were blessed with three graduates in the Class of 2021 from
the illustrious Bowie State University.”
The three spring recipients are Bro. Stefon
Somers (Spring 2018), Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Bro.
Quentin Braswell (Spring 2019), Bachelor Of Science in Business Administration
with a concentration in Management; and Bro. R.J. Rountree (Spring 2020),
Bachelor Of Science in Sports Management. The summertime graduating Brother's
name was unavailable at press time.
“Our chapter is blessed to have been able to receive the support from our neighboring brothers of Prince George’s County,” Epsilon Sigma continued in their thank you letter. “The 2020-2021 Academic School year has been severely challenging for most due to Covid-19 restrictions and even though our brothers had the ability to persevere, being able to check one thing off of their To-Do list for graduation needs is something to be highly grateful for.” So, on Behalf of our three chapter brothers the Epsilon Sigma Chapter is much obliged for the helping hand and appreciates the endless support from the Gamma Pi chapter.”