By Brother Kevin Greenwood
The Que Kidz event on Saturday, January 25th was a success as there were a total of 15 students that took part in the Social Action Program. The morning started with a breakfast of waffles, sausage and milk that was served by the members of the Gamma Pi Super Chapter. During the breakfast Immediate Past Basileus Gordon Everett, Brothers Damon Moats, Otis Fowler, Teddy Taylor, Kerry Wilson, D Ward, Robert Akuoko and Cruiz Alexander spoke to the students and discussed the importance of education and providing service to their communities.
The first service activity led by Brother Donald Belle consisted of the young men and Brothers Albert Slack, Anthony Kelly, and Marcus Whitfield discussing the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Everyone involved walked away learning something new about Dr. King and the civil rights movement. Brother Jeff Adkisson discussed the lives of Dr Martin Luther King, Jr and Rosa Parks with the younger students followed by a coloring activity. The younger students were fully engaged and participated with enthusiasm and vigor.
Brothers David White and Chris Flemming donated their Wii systems for the day so the students could participate in a few friendly games of Wii Bowling and Tennis as a part of the Physical Fitness component of the program.
The students were then served turkey and cheese sandwiches prepared by Brothers McCory King, Milton Ware and Terrance Prince. During the lunch Brothers Orlando McDowell, Rick Allison, Kevin “Buster” Briscoe, Albert Slack and many others spoke to the students about the importance of healthy eating, education and the importance of understanding our history. Brother Kevin Greenwood gave the students a research assignment that will be due by the next Que Kidz program in February. The research activity will challenge each student to find an African American person that contributed to Black History. The activity will give each student the opportunity to conduct research and share their findings in an oratory format.

To end the event each student was asked to give their thoughts for the day’s activities and their feedback illustrated that they had a better understanding of what community service is all about. They also said they learned about many of the African Americans that played major roles in the Civil Rights Movement, as well as those that contributed to the history of the United States. All photos by Brother David White.