The chapter also used the occasion of the Charles Drew Memorial Scholarship Fund 5th Annual Awards Recognition Celebration, held on the campus of Bowie State University, to recognize 10 scholarship recipients for 2010. Like closing ceremonies in recent years, today's program drew a large contingent of parents and other family members to show support for the students and for Project ENRICH as well as Bro. Byrd's tireless commitment to the program. Project ENRICH runs monthly from October-May and is held every first Saturday on Bowie State's campus.
One of the most memorable portions of the ceremony was the humorous skit performed by the seniors. The highlight was a funny impersonation of Bro. Byrd which served as a tribute to his doggedness in staying on students to do their best and give their all.

Among others who congratulated the students and hailed Bro. Byrd's championing of Project ENRICH over the years were Basileus Bro. Maurice Calhoun and newly elected Second District Representative Bro. Kenny Rodgers, a past Gamma Pi Basileus.Otherparticipants were Bro.Antonio Santos (Scholarship chair), Bro. Dr.gerald Folsom (Chaplain), Bro. Stacey Eason and Master of Ceremonies Bro. Alphonzo Powell.
Today's program also marked a first for Gamma Pi. A small portion of the program (about 2 minutes) was streamed live over the Internet for real-time viewing on computers and smartphones in anticipation of offering live feeds from upcoming chapter events and programs. To see a video replay from that brief live stream, go to www.qik.com/gammapi.
These photos are from Bro. Dr. Harrison Foy. Additional photos and video clips are coming.